Phase II Expression of Interest

Announcing the second round of nature for health investments 

Phase II Expression of Interest application deadline extended 

Due to continued interest, we have extended the Nature4Health Phase II Expression of Interest application submission window for an additional 14 days. 

The Google form will remain open to receive applications until Monday, 7 April 2025 at 23.59 EAT (25.59 UCT + 3).  

There are no healthy people, animals or plants without a healthy environment. From the air we breathe to the water we drink, from the animals we interact with, to the ecosystems we depend on, nature provides us with the foundation to live healthy lives.  

N4H promotes country-led, preventative policies and investments in nature that help to reduce health risks. The overall focus of N4H is to address the environmental determinants of health and to strengthen the integration of the environment in the One Health approach and thereby help secure the health of ecosystems, animals, plants and people.   

Interested governments are invited to apply for the expression of interest (EOI) for Phase II and be part of the Nature4Health movement!  

What we offer

Innovative systems-thinking for wicked problems

Use systems-thinking approach to unpack complex, interdependent factors and find integrated solutions to tackle multiple issues.


Participating organizations would implement the proposals with up to 2,250,000 USD seed funding per proposal to scale up integrated, inclusive One Health approaches for nature & health in a country or through a regional intergovernmental entity.

Multi-disciplinary Collaboration

Work with a community of diverse partners bringing expertise and experience for preventative action.

Eligibility requirements

  • The EOI is only open for submissions from governments, including sub-national governmental entities, as well as regional intergovernmental entities that represent multiple governments. Non-governmental entities are not eligible to apply. See FAQ for more information.

  •  The country, territory or entity must be eligible to receive overseas development assistance (ODA) and therefore, listed under the DAC list of ODA Recipients.

  • The country or regional intergovernmental entity must not have received funding through the first expression of interest process under Nature4Health.



  • 24 October 2024, Announcement at CBD COP 16

  • 10 January 2025, Accepting applications

  • 7 April 2025, Close of applications

  • April - June 2025, Review & Selection

  • Jul-Aug, Announcement of Successful Proposals

Informational Webinars

25-27 November 2024, Informational Webinar

25 November - Spanish ( Webinar recording download)  

26 November- English I(Webinar recording download)

26 November - French (Webinar recording download)

27 November - English II (Webinar recording download)

Webinar presentation download here

English | French | Spanish

February 2025, Informational Webinar

4 February - English I( (Webinar recording download)

4 February - Spanish( Webinar recording download)

5 February - French( (Webinar recording download)

6 February -English II( Webinar recording download )

Webinar presentation download here

English | French | Spanish

May 2025, Informational Webinar

6 May - English I ( Register here)

6 May - Spanish( Register here)

7 May - French( Register here)

14 May - English II( Register here)

Application package

Kindly note these files have been made available for a preliminary overview on the process and to support proposal development. In particular, we hope access to these documents can help applicants initiate intersectoral collaboration, coordination and support across ministries and other stakeholders that is critical for a successful proposal.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The application window will open on 10 January 2025 and the deadline is 24 March 2025 at 23:59 EAT (23:59 UTC + 3).  Applications will not be accepted after this time. 

  • Applicants are invited to complete and submit their application through the online Google form. Accompanying endorsement letters from ministries must be uploaded directly in the Google form.  

  • You will need to sign in to your existing Google account or create an account. This can be done with any of your email addresses, gmail or otherwise. 

  • Nature4Health Secretariat will not accept any additional documents other than the letters of endorsement which are a required part of the application package. 

  • Only government focal points, from countries which are OECD DCA eligible, may submit applications. The submitting agent may represent any ministry, but it is expected that the accompanying letters of endorsement and commitment will come from at least the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment. If the submitting agency is another ministry, then an additional letter of endorsement will be required to demonstrate support. It is expected that the ministries will work together to develop the application, as this reflects crucial ownership at the governmental level. Non-governmental agencies may provide technical assistance, but applications should reflect priorities of the government(s). 

    Nongovernmental entities and their representatives are NOT eligible to submit applications

  • There are three types of proposals that will be accepted, which include:   

    1. Country proposals, including sub-national or sub-regional jurisdictions: This is a proposal submitted by one eligible country where the proposal will occur in and benefit those at the national or sub-national level or sub-regional level of the applying country. These are called Country Partners in N4H. Country Partners are countries or territories that represent national or sub-national groups.  

    2. A regional group (for example, countries connected by a common watershed, a transboundary concern or an economic or political alliance) could submit a multi-country proposal. 

    3. Regional Intergovernmental Entity proposal: This is a proposal submitted by a Regional Entity, specifically an intergovernmental organization representing Member States, where the activities of the proposal will occur in and benefit those at the regional or sub-regional level. A Regional Intergovernmental Entity proposal is different than a multi-country proposal because the primary grant beneficiary is a Regional Entity rather than countries. Some examples of Regional Intergovernmental Entities include the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Southern African Development Community (SADC), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).  

    Only countries on the OECD DAC list are eligible to become Country Partners

     Expressions of interest from regional intergovernmental entities (e.g., SICA, AESEAN, MERCOSUR, Carpathian Convention) which propose a landscape rather than state-based approach could include entities that are non-OECD DAC list countries. However, N4H funding could not support activities in those countries, so co-funding would need to be secured in such cases. The country taking the lead in the N4H project must be OECD DAC eligible

  • Countries are strongly encouraged to submit a maximum of one single country proposal but may be included in any number of regional intergovernmental entity proposals. However, evidence of coordination of, and coherence among, single-country and regional intergovernmental entity proposals will be required when a country is involved in several proposals.  

  • You will receive an acknowledgement email once the google form is submitted. Should there be any queries, you can reach out to 

  • Nature4Health is offering three virtual information webinars in November 2024 (general information about the EOI process), February 2025 (information relevant to preparation of applications), and May 2025 (information detailing next steps for applicants). Please check the website EOI page for registration links.   


  • Kick-off Workshop

    Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia| 7-8 December 2023

  • Scoping Phase Workshop 2

    Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | 29–30 January 2024

  • Scoping Phase Workshop 3

    Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | 27 February – 1 March 2024