Our health depends on the health of
our planet

What is N4H?

There is a compelling case for preventing pandemics.

COVID-19 has already cost 12.5 trillion dollars and more than 6 million human lives. Preventing pandemics costs far less than managing a global outbreak. 

75% of new human infectious diseases originate from animals. This spillover is increasing due to human activity that drives biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation, and climate change. Low income communities disproportionately bear the burden. The environmental aspects of health urgently need to be addressed. Investment in nature and ecosystems is investment in human well-being.

Nature for Health (N4H) works to reduce the risk of pandemics by strengthening environmental aspects of One Health, a multidisciplinary inclusive approach focused on the interdependencies of human, animal and ecosystem health. N4H engages across sectors and communities at different societal levels to catalyse integrated policies, evidence based action and capacity development for impact locally, nationally and regionally.

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) provided initial seed funding of €50 million. N4H is structured as a Multi Partner Trust Fund, initially with 8 Consortium Partners who leverage extensive multisectoral diverse One Health practical experience. N4H is administrated by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office. Additional partners are being sought.

More information can be found in the N4H Terms of Reference

Frequently Asked Questions

  • N4H is an international initiative working locally and nationally to prevent pandemics and related health risks by strengthening the environmental aspects of One Health through a multi-partner trust fund. 

  • A Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) facilitates pooled funding – it collects and allocates funding from a diversity of financial contributors to a wide range of implementing entities in a coordinated manner. An MPTF provides flexibility for quick and efficient fund allocation, avoids competition, supports effectiveness and helps achieve change at scale. N4H is administered by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTFO). 

  • The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) established the N4H MPTFO with seed funding of 50 million EUR. There is a clear vision and strategy to expand the work in both geographic scope and over a sustained timeframe with additional technical and financial partners, according to available funding. 

  • N4H is governed and implemented by a group of Partners. The founding consortium of Partners are multisectoral and were convened based on the breadth of their One Health technical expertise and experience. Current Partners include UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations and civil society groups in the fields of environment and health. 

    POs shape the operational and technical aspects of N4H. POs are leading international environmental and health organizations that have joined N4H to apply their unique knowledge and skills set to strengthening the environmental aspects of One Health. The POs not only bring extensive experience and a strong commitment to N4H but also a willingness to collaborate on One Health to ensure optimal long-term results which amplify over time. 

  • Nature4Health was initiated with eight Partners, including the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Health Organization (WHO), World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and EcoHealth Alliance. 

  • Convening Partners are the N4H Partners (or Participating Organisations) who are selected by the Steering Committee to convene a project for the scoping or implementation stage. Convening Partners receive funds from the MPTFO to implement N4H projects in the host country / region. 

  • An Implementing Partner is an organisation undertaking implementation of funded activities as sub-contractors to a Participating Organisation. The Implementing Partner brings their unique technical expertise, capacity and experience relevant to addressing linkages between the environment, climate and health in the selected country / regional context.  

    Funding for N4H Phases I and II are subject to restrictions dictated by the International Climate Initiative, which provided the funds, such that government entities may not be subcontracted. NGOs are eligible to be subcontracted as Implementing Partners and receive funds, based on approval by the respective project's government entities, and according to the Convening Partner's financial and administrative conditions.  

  • Civil society organizations (CSOs) will support Country Partners and Convening Partners throughout the N4H initiative. CSOs may be identified by Country Partners as key stakeholders or Support Partners, depending on the country context. CSOs cannot be Country Partners. 

  • The UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office administers the financial and legal aspects of N4H. A Secretariat, based at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, is responsible for planning, operations and logistical support. Key decision-making is undertaken by the Steering Committee, with representation from Partner Organizations, responsible for strategic guidance, funding disbursement and other issues. N4H benefits from a Technical Advisory Group to ensure an independent and expert voice in its work. 

  • The Secretariat is responsible for the coordination of N4H. The Secretariat is based at the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, composed of dedicated staff and is tasked with supporting the N4H Steering Committee and overseeing the overall operations of N4H.

  • N4H fosters locally developed and integrated approaches that secure the health of people, animals and the environment. N4H brings Country Partners together with Convening Partners to implement systemic and participatory One Health approaches, tailored to the local context. The first step includes a series of scoping workshops to identify stakeholders, assess needs and identify potential actions. 

  • Country Partners provide the framework for N4H work – the context, the support, the enabling environment and the collaborative space to engage with N4H in a systemic process to implement preventative One Health approaches within their jurisdiction. The Country Partner works closely together with the Convening Partner in the core team. 

  • A mutually agreed workplan and budget are developed based on the identified needs and priorities and submitted to the N4H Steering Committee for approval. The implementation phase, where the Country Partner and the Convening Partner work together, is expected to last two to three years.