Our health depends on the health of
our planet

What is N4H?

There is a compelling case for preventing pandemics.

COVID-19 has already cost 12.5 trillion dollars and more than 6 million human lives. Preventing pandemics costs far less than managing a global outbreak. 

75% of new human infectious diseases originate from animals. This spillover is increasing due to human activity that drives biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation, and climate change. Low income communities disproportionately bear the burden. The environmental aspects of health urgently need to be addressed. Investment in nature and ecosystems is investment in human well-being.

Nature for Health (N4H) works to reduce the risk of pandemics by strengthening environmental aspects of One Health, a multidisciplinary inclusive approach focused on the interdependencies of human, animal and ecosystem health. N4H engages across sectors and communities at different societal levels to catalyse integrated policies, evidence based action and capacity development for impact locally, nationally and regionally.

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) provided initial seed funding of €50 million. N4H is structured as a Multi Partner Trust Fund, initially with 8 Consortium Partners who leverage extensive multisectoral diverse One Health practical experience. N4H is administrated by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office. Additional partners are being sought.